III \\ There are at least four stones in this valley. They're parallel marking out a line north to south and the other two directly east to west but I haven't checked if at the intersection of the lines formed by the two pairs if there's a central stone but I doubt it. I bet there are more stones in all the bushes and trees and swampy parts that I can't get to really easily without bushwhacking or wading through muck.
They probably weren't in those orientations originally. I mean obviously originally they're from inside the earth but I mean when people found them and moved them. I think one of each pair has been moved and the other one is just where it is. So if one of each was moved then you could for sure make sure they make lines north to south and east to west but maybe that was unintentional because the roads go that way too so if you're moving rocks out of the way of a road or putting it next to a read they'd end up that way too.
They're quite different in size. Each pair has one really big stone that's maybe at least 15 feet at its biggest dimension. Then the other ones are more rounded and like 5 feet. I'm not counting whatever is buried in the ground but it doesn't quite look like much. They're worn to different degrees and honestly have different patterns and colors and textures even. I can't get close to one of them but the other ones I can get right up to.
Well you can climb all over them like I see kids doing to the biggest ones. Climbing rocks is always fun and probably why they're put there. Two of them are up in the southeast side of the valley kind of perched mid way between the valley floor and the top of the east ridge. The other two are smack in the bottom of the north part of the valley, well actually just to the east of the creek that runs down the middle of the valley.
I'll put them on the map.
IV \\ I haven't given the full picture yet. So the valley has a creek running from south to north where it meets a wetland with another larger stream of water from the north that then takes all the water east. The bottom of the valley has lots of wetlands and maples and alders and cottonwoods. The slopes have maples and alders but then some cedars and firs here and there mostly once when you get to the tops of the hills that bound the valley on east and west and south. And I sort of lied, there aren't just four stones there are lots but they're buried or I can't see them. I've only just counted the four. Below the valley floor the bedrock must be so deep. The ridges aren't even bedrock, they're piles of gravel and sand topped in topsoil. That's why the stones are so interesting.
Except now that I think of it, I have seen a fifth stone. Its also on the slopes of the eastern ridge. It's half buried if I remember correctly and pretty dazzling white with black flecks but really most notable when the leaves have fallen of the trees so that the sunlight can actually light up the white stone. It's probably more than half buried I only remember seeing a small dome of it rising from soil.
So after adding these to the map I draw the lines to connect them. The pair east to west, then the pair north to south. Then the fifth alone. It probably has another half to its pair somewhere I just need to find it. Its not at the intersection of the two other pair's lines is it?
My mind has a thin fishing line like one of those transparent ones you can barely see unless the light is just right and you see a flash of reflection along its length. This line goes back two decades or so, like there is a lag from now to then. So I'm here now but my minds back then too and it's tethered together. But that line is probably just one line in a whole net or web or mess of lines that got tangled way back. But it's back two decades. I can see the one decade mark clearly its here on the desk really in front of me. But two decades back its foggier. That's where the tangled net mess must be, between one and two decades ago. When two decades ago tugs on the line I can feel it today and all those waves and patterns from then are remembered because they're just now happening back then.